Remember Dear Abby? I loved reading that column as a kid.

I just love reading and answering the questions you send me!

Answering your questions is fun. It keeps me connected with you and it feels great to know that I can perhaps help you in some way.

That is why I created… drumroll please…

… the new ASK ELISE section of

  • Do you need advice on meal planning?
  • Do you have a picky eater?
  • Would you like to recreate a recipe your parents once made?
  • Did your spouse have a certain recipe he/she grew up enjoying? Would you to recreate it for him/her?
  • Are you having trouble improving a certain recipe?
  • Are you having trouble getting yourself or your family interested in cooking?
  • Do you have tips for others?
  • Perhaps you have a recipe you’d like to share and a short story that goes with it.

Allow me to help!

I look forward to reading more of your questions. The ASK ELISE section will be updated every Friday. I will answer as many questions as I can by email and some will be chosen to be featured in ASK ELISE on each Friday.

Who knows, I may even answer in a video. Wouldn’t that be fun!

Please send your questions to Please be sure to include “ASK ELISE” in the subject line.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!