Today the UPS truck stopped by. Delivered was a package filled with beautiful things from my parents who are 900 miles away. I picked up the box that they had packed only days ago to almost feel their arms around me. In the box were beautiful, carefully-wrapped pieces from my parents occupied Japan collection. I remember spending weekends with my parents searching for these beauties. It was a hobby of my Dad’s and he loved filling up his curio cabinet in the hopes that some day the pieces would be worth something for my sister and I.
This morning when my parents called to sing me “Happy Birthday” as they do each and every year. Also in the box were old pictures my mother spent hours sorting through. After a fire in 2001, we lost of all four pictures adn every once in a while Mom will find more and send them. This morning was like Christmas morning for us. Looking through all of the old pictures brought so many memories back. the boys, home for fall break, enjoyed reminiscing about old times. Had to share it with all of you.
In it were these words…
For a lovely daughter on her birthday
Be good to yourself.
There are some things everyone deserves. Love, respect, time to recharge.
Never settle for less.
SEEK out your dreams.
Start small.
take it as it comes.
Even a butterfly has to inch along before getting it’s wings.
LISTEN to your heart.
Trust your gut.
If the way seems unclear look within you.
STAY curious. Wonder.
Take every opportunity to learn.
Knowledge is a gift.
it will take you places.
Hold on to what’s important.
Let worries go.
No matter how you look at it, some things just don’t make sense.
The way you choose to carry is what REALLY MATTERS. (This hit me the most)
And when you make a list of what you want in life,
Make another list of what you’ve got.
Be sure to start with all the things that make you BEAUTIFUL person.
There are so many.
Most of all, remember you’re LOVED.