I’m not waiting for New Years to post this. Typically around New Years I decide to start the year off right. That usually means starting my day off with prayer and Bible reading, exercising at least three times a week, watching what I eat, reading in the evenings instead of watching television and making sure I do for others as much or more than I do for myself. I decided that this weekend was time for me to recommit myself to my health and my well being. My family and friends will be the first to tell you that I am a little crazy, but they immediately follow that up with …“in a good way! ” Aw, thanks guys! But you guys suspected that a long time ago, didn’t you?
I guess it was the severe pain in my right knee and in the middle of my back, the numbness in my right hand, the annoying pain in my elbow, my inability to sleep an entire eight hours, my —– pound weight gain (I’m not admitin’ how much, so you can ask, but I’m not tellin!), a cracked tooth and a failing root canal that prompted me to reconsider my priorities!
I was proud of myself.
First thing Monday morning, I called Doc Sims about my teeth and he took me right in. What a guy! “Let’s be conservative, Elise. We’ll fill this crack in before we go ahead and put an expensive crown in. I’m confident you’ll do fine!!”… nice guy, right?
It worked. “Great!” That saved me several hundreds of dollars…I love this doctor! Now for the other tooth, “um, sorry to say, but you need to see a ‘specialist‘.”
Oh dear, not a specialist! When I hear that name I immediately think k-a-c-h-i-n-g! followed by the ringing sound of a cash register….
One crack filled in and now a possible root canal where one had already been? I did go visit the endodontist, Dr. J. Christian Sheaffer for those who are in the market for a good endodontist. He was terrific. I had an infection in three of my canals ( just in case you wanted to know). A complete root canal was unnecessary and instead we opted for the tooth to be “retreated.” Dodged another bullet there and saved thousands.
Later that afternoon (this was yesterday by the way) my orthopedic surgeon reviewed the xrays of my knee. Dr. Carroll from Cary Orthopedics and Sports Medicine said, “Elise, you have exquisite…”
…I thought he might say eyes, but nope (sigh) he said…tendonitis! The good news is that physical therapy will do the trick. Another bullet dodged.
Now for my back., well, that one’s a little more complicated. I decided that I’m tired of dodging bullets and so I have recommitted to caring for this body, the precious organs and all the incredibly designed systems that work inconceivably hard for me each day and every day.
Oh, and in case you’re asking yourself why I chose the picture I did.
It’s not Christmas yet! I chose this picture because it gives me something to look forward to. I gives me what I know is an attainable goal. I want to wear that outfit again. Perhaps I’ll be in it at Christmas time…you’ll just have to wait and see! I really just want to be healthy is all…
What have you done for yourself today? Off to the elliptical! Hugs to all!
Just as long as you don’t lose your smile, laugh and grace with which you understanding everybody’s workin’ on something, you can lose all the weight you want!
Well said, my dear freind. Well said! xo