- 4 c. cranberry juice
- 8 c. pineapple juice
- 2 c. orange juice
- 1 bottle of Duplin Winery award-winning Magnolia wine for white Sangria or award-winning Hatteras Red for red Sangria
- 2 lemons, sliced
- 2 oranges, cut into rings
- 1 lime, sliced
- Handful of fresh mint
I love the sweet addition of the muscadine wine in this Sangria!
Blend all wet ingredients. Refrigerate.
Tip: To keep your beverages cold you can make an ice ring with extra fruit juice and slices of fruit. Freeze and add to beverage container just before serving. Be sure to choose a container that is a little bit smaller than the opening of your beverage container. Unmold and place into the Sangria. This nice thing is that this can be done days in advance.
Non-alcoholic version: Substitute ginger ale or sparkling water for the wine.